Exceptional Children » Multi-Tier System of Support

Multi-Tier System of Support

  • It is NOT a process for struggling students
  • It is NOT synonymous with RTI
  • It is NOT just about academics
  • It is NOT just about interventions
  • It is NOT implemented by creating/utilizing a set of forms to follow certain steps/procedures
NC MTSS is a framework that includes a systemic means of problem solving data (student outcomes and implementation data) and using that information to improve outcomes for ALL students and to provide needed supports to classroom teachers.  It allows for alignment of resources that results in a healthy school culture with common language, aligned teaming structures, purposeful communication, adequate professional development and coaching, and positive student outcomes.
Thomasville City Schools MTSS teams use data to place students in appropriate groups. These groups provide targeted support in academics (reading/math), attendance, and behavior. The goal for MTSS is to ensure every student has extra opportunities for learning and growth; regardless, of grade and/or individual skill level.

MTSS isn’t a particular “curriculum.” It’s a proactive approach that has several key elements:

  • Universal screening for all students early in each school year
  • Increasing levels of targeted support for those who are struggling
  • Integrated plans that address students’ academic, behavioral, social and emotional needs
  • The use of evidence-based strategies
  • A school-wide approach to student support. Teachers, counselors, psychologists and other specialists work as a team when they assess students and plan interventions.
  • Professional development so staff can deliver interventions and monitor progress effectively
  • Family involvement so parents can understand the interventions and provide support at home
  • Frequent monitoring of students’ progress so educators can use this data to help decide if more interventions are needed
MTSS is broken down into a three Tired System outlined below:
  • Tier 1: The Whole Class. All students are taught with methods that research has shown to be effective. All students are screened to see who is and isn’t responding to these strategies. Kids may be broken into small groups that address different strengths and areas of need.
  • Tier 2: Small Group Interventions. Some students receive more targeted support in small groups. The scheduling of these interventions is important. The goal is to keep students from missing any core instruction or other Tier 1 activities that might make it harder to catch up.
  • Tier 3: Intensive, Individualized Support. A few students who move up to this most intensive level of support continue with Tier 1 activities. Their break-out groups are smaller than in Tier 2. And these sessions last longer and are more narrowly focused.
NC MTSS Implementation Guide LiveBinder:  For more detailed information about the NC MTSS process and parental rights and safeguards granted to you and your student.