Parents » Where to Start if you have Parental Concerns

Where to Start if you have Parental Concerns

For our parents and guardians who wish to provide a written concern or a written complaint, please begin by approaching our school or district personnel in this order so that we can come to the most expedient resolution for your concern:
1. Have you spoken to the staff member who is immediately responsible? (such as a teacher, or the employee closest to which the complaint originated)
2. Have you spoken or met with the school principal or assistant principal?
3. Have you reached out to the Central Office Staff Member directly related to that program area? (district staff directory)
4. Have you submitted the Official Request Form below?
>If you have not received the information or an answer from a school administrator within 7-10 business days, the the Superintendent or his designee will respond.
>If the Superintendent does not respond, it will then go before the TCS Board of Education.
The following Board Policies govern our communication protocols for responding to concerns and complaints:
1740/4010 Student & Parent Grievance Procedure
1742/5060 Responding to Complaints
2500 Hearings Before the Board
2310 Public Participation at Board Meetings
If you have questions about navigating this process and would like to speak to someone at the district office regarding the steps you should take, please feel free to reach out to Jennifer Buck, Chief Technology & Public Information Officer at [email protected]
This resource collects many of our processes and procedures for accessing your rights as parents and guardians in order to obtain information about the education your student will receive as a student attending Thomasville City Schools.