Career-Technical Education » Announcements


CTE CLNA Planning Surveys

Our district is in the process of completing our Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment for Career and Technical Education for Thomasville City Schools. Students, parents, and community partners all play an important role in the academic, intellectual, social, and emotional growth of students.
Career and technical education (CTE) courses are classes that are predominately project-based where students learn by doing, where students can potentially earn professional certifications, and where students can prepare for direct entry into careers or educational programs directly after high school graduation.
In order to improve our CTE program, we would like to receive your feedback so we are asking that you complete the survey appropriate to your role in Thomasville City Schools.
Input Needed

PartnershipEducation & Business Connection


Our Students Want To Learn About Your Career Field!


Are you interested in supporting students in their career development and preparation? The Thomasville City Schools CTE Department is looking for business and industry partners to engage with us in providing our students with Career Connected Learning Experiences. Please click on the button below to complete the TCS CTE Business Partnership Form.